Thursday, August 13, 2015

Welcome Back!

Well, another school year has begun and Fairfield Union High School is up and running.  I have spent a big part of morning walking the halls, stopping in classrooms, and talking to students.  I was impressed with our staff as they hit the ground running and are engaging students on day one!  Our focus this year is simply this: Teaching and Learning.  Not testing, not the OIP, nor any of the rest of the "white noise."  Sure, those things are there and we must pay attention to them.  But the focus is Teaching and Learning-every student, every teacher, every day.

Welcome to the 2015-16 school year.  I am excited about the many successes we will have here this year!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Time For Reflection

As we move into the summer, I want to encourage everyone to take some of that down time to reflect.  Here at school, I pose what I call "Courageous Conversations" to get staff to really think and talk about practice.  At the heart of everyone of my "Courageous Conversations" are the students.  Are we truly doing what is best for kids...or what is easiest for us?  Below is a link to another blog that is an upcoming "Courageous Conversation" we will be having at FUHS soon!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Beware of anxiety. Next to sin, there is nothing that so troubles the mind, strains the heart, distresses the soul and confuses the judgment.
- William Ullathorne (1806-1889)

I came across this quote recently.  I'm not even sure where, but it spoke to me very loudly when I read it.  At this time public education in Ohio is dealing with quite a bit.  We have PARCC and Ohio Performance Based Assessments and End Of Course Assessments that require a 4 month testing schedule; we still have the OGTs mixed in; teachers and administrators are trying to keep up with the constant changes and new interpretations of the state mandated evaluations systems; College Credit Plus has been added to schools for 7th-12 graders with little guidance; new budgets have been proposed that cut funds from districts that need that funding the most; and on, and on, and on.

All of these factors do indeed create anxiety, and plenty of it.  Many a night I have laid awake with a troubled mind, a strained heart, and a distressed soul.  But, we must be careful about allowing our judgement to be confused.  Despite what many would have you believe, public education is still a noble venture.  I find that I need to remind myself that what we do is educate children.  What we do, is prepare young people for the rest of their lives.  What we do is model, and show the way.  If we teach with troubled minds, strained hearts, distressed souls, and confused judgement how are we showing our future generations to deal with anxiety?  Ours is not the only field with such intense pressure.  It is unfortunate that many of the changes that have been forced upon public schools have come with little input from public educators, families or even students.  But we need to find a way to renew the cause of public education.  I will continue to be an advocate for public education and for the wonderful teachers who, despite all of the obstacles, continue to teach children!  I will keep my judgement free of confusion.

Be well, and teach on!


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wow!  I Really let time get away from me.  Here we are in January and have just begun 2nd semester.  This definitely begins the busy season of High School.  Seniors are getting college applications turned in, underclassmen will begin registering for next year's classes in the coming weeks, OGTs, PARCCs and NGAs are on the horizon, and all of that while still completing this school year.  We are all anxious around the new state assessments, but our teachers are doing their utmost to be sure the students are prepared.

We are also excited about some changes coming to Fairfield Union High School next year.  We will be running a new bell schedule, realigning some departments, and adding many new course offerings for students.  More details to come...and if you can make it to one of our monthly Academics Matter sessions (a light breakfast and informal conversation) I would love to see you!