Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Is Your Teen Sexting?

It seems that technology is changing faster than we can keep up with.  This, of course, is not news but merely a comment I have been saying to myself quite a bit over the last 10 years. Technology can do so much for us, but it can also create unintended consequences.  We here at school need your help.  Take a look at the link below, and have a conversation with your own children.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Back to School

Well, the traditional summer has ended and once again the halls of Fairfield Union High School were full of students with varying degrees of happiness.  Some were still sleepy, some were still daydreaming of the beach, and some started the day with early signs of Senioritis.  Yes, I'm still talking about the students, not the staff!  However, the one thing I am sure of is that they all started the new school year with questions.  What will I learn this year?  What are these new teachers like?  Is Mr. Verde still as cool as ever?  Whatever their states of mind, I was happy to see each and every one of them and I am excited to watch them grow and change over the course of the next 9 months.

Today's words of wisdom spoke of the "halls of possibilities."  I thought that was a great message for the first day of school.  Our students can find and pursue many opportunities while in high school.  The challenges we will offer this year all still relate around the three "Rs" that I constantly speak of: Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships.  Let's help them embrace the possibilities, and maybe they will help us dream up more!

Remember to keep up with my blog.  Typically in this space I will post thought provoking items, or sometimes simply my thoughts, and you are welcome and encouraged to comment on anything that you see here.  I am looking forward to a terrific year!

Friday, May 16, 2014


I'm sure by now everyone has seen the appalling video of the elementary teacher that grabbed a student by the face in the hallway.  While many of us may not know all of the circumstances surrounding this event, I know we are all aghast at the actions of the adult.  None of us should question the uproar around the abusive actions of an adult who is meant to be trusted with the well-being of someone else's child.

Yet, how many of us pay any attention to the other abuses of power that we often witness in our schools?  What about the teacher who berates a student in front of the rest of the class, or the administrator that tells a young person that he or she will not amount to anything, or even the cafeteria worker that constantly hears a child being verbally harassed and bullied, yet does not intervene?  Aren't these acts of negligence just as harmful?  Granted, they will not leave bruises or scrapes, but isn't the harm the same?

I read today in my "Words of Wisdom" announcement the old adage "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" and asked students to think about how that quote makes them feel.  We have all used those words at some point, but do we really believe them?  Just look at all of the drama caused by irresponsible use of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and all the others.  Merely words typed from some distance removed of the victim, yet plenty of harm is inflicted.

So, think about our roles as trusted adults in the lives of young people.  Do we use words that build inspire and motivate or do we grab students by the shirt and hold them against the wall with what we say?

Friday, May 2, 2014

I often speak about the Three Rs of education-Relevance, Rigor and Relationships.  The New York Times published an article yesterday that demonstrates a great way to embrace the Relevance of advanced mathematics.  Check out the article to see how we can really hook students-especially our Seniors getting ready to venture out on their own!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Be sure to check out the updates to the Students as Learners page!  So much to be proud of at Fairfield Union!
The FUHS Key Club has been extremely active this year.  All of the students,under the leadership of Mrs. Schmelzer and Mrs. Totten, have participated in many worthwhile service projects to help others.  They are getting ready to launch their final major effort for the year.  The information below concerns the Pennies For Patients campaign.  Please, do your part!

May 5-16
Pennies for Patients Campaign
Monday May 5            Pennies Day
Tuesday May 6            Nickel Day
Wednesday May 7       Dime Day
Thursday May 8           Quarter Day
Friday May 9               Dollar Day

·                 Competition during 2nd period Classes
-Class with the most money donated by Friday will get a donut party.
-We will send students around daily to collect the boxes, money will be counted during lunch and daily leaders will be announced.
-Boxes will be returned 9th period.

During lunches (more information to come later)
Gift Card Raffles
Candy Jar
Bracelet sales
Annoying Song voting (vote for the most annoying song, songs will be played during class changes on May 16)

Thank you, in advance,  for your help.

Key Club

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Well, I've finally done it.  I've entered the 21st Century and embraced social media as a method of constructive communication.  We all know the pitfalls that Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, and the like have created for schools; however, I think if used correctly these methods of modern contact can serve a positive purpose.  So, this is my new blog.  Look around, explore, let me know what you think.  Of course, this is still a work in progress so there isn't a lot here yet....

Back in the dark ages (last semester) I tried to put out a weekly newsletter to my staff called Flight of the Falcon.  While I feel like I put out a few quality issues with some useful information, I was not successful in keeping up with my own expectations.  I want to pick up from there, in what I hope will prove to be a more useful and interactive format.  I still plan to include some of my own personal reflections, but now you can comment on them!  Oh, what have I done?!?  No, really, I hope to see some engaging professional exchanges on all that I offer here.  You will also find useful links, news about staff, great things happening in classrooms, and celebrations of our students.

So, once more, welcome in.  Make yourselves at home and look around.  Visit often.  Share and invite your own colleagues and friends to do the same.

Yours in Education,
Mr. V